Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Baptism This Week

Dear family and friends and enemies who read these to discover my weaknesses. Psh. Good luck with that...,

I really hate typing on this computer because the backspace button is the size of a letter button. That's bogus! So I'm keeping this relatively short.

This Friday will be my very first baptism. I know it has taken a while, but whatever. Hoby Dinsdale is getting baptized at 7 pm, which would be 3 pm on Thursday for you guys in Utah. We told him it's his decision as to who baptizes him, so he should think about it. On Sunday at church, he said he wanted me to do it. Yeah, I'm excited. The Spirit of God is amazing. I'm just so psyched to feel it even more powerfully at the baptism. Hoby does everything we tell him to, because he sees it makes him way happier, but sometimes he's too willing haha. He asked if we wanted a piece of gum the other day and I said we aren't allowed to chew gum -- "we" meaning missionaries -- and he said, "Oh!" and almost spit it out, but I quickly explained that members can chew gum, just not missionaries in public. Ha. Yeah.... Anyways, he's really awesome and it's amazing how much the gospel has changed him. His countenance is just beaming. We can back one day after teaching him for the second or third time and he was clean shaven and smiling and just brighter. Crazy. Crazy as.

Today is George's birthday, who is an RM that always hangs out with us. We surprised him and cooked him breakfast this morning, and decorated his flat with balloons and lollies (candy). It was mean (awesome, or sweet). Today we're heading up to Bridal Veils Falls. Yeah Dad, Bridal Veils.

I don't really know what else to say. I bore my testimony super powerfully the other day (after praying for the gift of bearing mighty testimony) to this investigator right before she dropped us. We had a feeling she wasn't interested, so we had the drop talk. But I did exactly what Preach My Gospel says: teach clearly and powerfully so they can make a correct choice. That's what I did, and she turned it down. I'm sorry for her. It happens. This experience did help me realize what my favorite scripture is though: 2 Nephi 33. Pretty much the whole chapter, but particularly the end, starting where it says, "if you do not believe in these words, believe in Christ." If you believe in Christ, you believe in the Book of Mormon! Someday we'll have to account to God for everything we've done. Hopefully we'll be happy to do that.

That's pretty much it for today. Love yous. Haha jk lol. I don't say yous. Thanks for everything you guys. Sorry I suck at replying to letters. I'll let you know how the baptism goes. Bye!

Elder Zachary Jensen

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