Sunday, September 30, 2012

Elder Jensen to the Jensen Home

Anywhere there? Had a great week last week. It was daylight savings yesterday, so I believe you are now 20 hours behind rather than six hours. I got the package you sent, Mom, with all the Book of Mormons from the primary kids. Those are great! Solid testimonies, especially that one kid's, Bryan Jensen. Great handwriting, too. I really like those toffee chocolate powdered sugar almonds. How unhealthy can you get... but you know that doesn't phase me.
I actually don't really have too much time today, but I just wanted to say I love you and I am grateful for your emails and your prayers! It blows my mind a bit that it is October but it means that we don't have to wear our suitcoats until 5pm every day. It is truly a blessing. Sort of. I am reminded that you have Halloween there. That should be fun. We don't really celebrate it over here. It's pretty rare and I think more members do it than anyone else.
Oh, Mom, I got your letter as well. That was an answer to prayers! Some of the things you said were exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
I was just on tradeoff all the time last week, and Elder Espino and I got to train all the sisters about resolving concerns with people living the commandments. We got to go to a district leader council where the district leaders and zone leaders in a zone get together and have a brief meeting with training. The zone leaders I get to trade off with are really amazing individuals. I wish you could meet them. They have a great ability to seek revelation to help the missionaries in their zones. When they trade off with us, they are always seeking how to do more and help more people to develop faith unto repentance and be baptized. Most of these elders have a great sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit and tend to learn by the Spirit every time we see them. A returned missionary mentioned, at the beginning of my mission, that he had become best friends with the Spirit on his mission and I didn't really understand what he meant. I am starting to see it though, and it is amazing to watch the Spirit work within others to the blessing of those around them. I love this work and know that is led by the Saviour Himself! He trusts us to act and to follow His Spirit. When we do, we grow and watch others grow and flourish as well.
Thanks again.
Love you,
Elder Jensen

Kia Orana

September 24, 2012

Dear Family,
I'm guessing you haven't opened the attached pictures yet and I suppose you don't know what language that is in the subject line.... I'll give you a hint---"Kia orana" means "hello" in Cook Island Maori. Now open up one of the pictures.... Guess where I am in the picture.... It's not New Zealand. It takes about 45 minutes to drive around the entire landmass and the you have a view of the pristine beach nearly anywhere....
We went to the Cook Islands last week! They are a little group of islands in the Pacific. We stayed on the main island, Rarotonga. It is beautiful. As you know, I have never been to the islands before and I'll tell you what, Jake, it is just like the movies. It's pretty much a jungle, with many plantations that grow taro, kumara, and many other things. Coconut trees are rampant and papaya grows all over the island (You should never park your car or scooter under a coconut tree because you never know when a coconut will drop---it can break the glass). Chickens walk around everywhere and the roosters cock-a-doodle-do all through the church meetings. If you catch and kill a pig, it is yours for the devouring. The humidity is so great that paper almost feels wet. The minute we walked off the plane we were blast with moist heat, so we got to have our suitcoats off during our stay.
The purpose of the visit was to get all the members excited with two young elders coming to the island to work with the senior couples who were already out there. Together the three missionary couples along with Elder Lokotui and Elder Janson will be a district (the elders are both district leaders) and will be working with each other and with the members to grow the branches! The two young missionaries are both fantastic and will do a wonderful job. It was great to have the experience of being on tradeoff with them for a few days. They're both really looking forward to working on the island for the next half year. This is the first time young missionaries have been on the island since it was part of the Tahiti mission a couple of years ago. We had known that the elders were going over for quite some time before it happened but we didn't know that we would be going with them until a week before last Saturday! President told us over the phone that the elders had obtained their visas and would be heading over soon, then surprised with the good news!
The plane left Saturday morning at 9am and landed three and a half hours later in Rarotonga, at 2:55pm, Friday. We went back in time! For Friday and Saturday we split with the elders and visited key leaders in the branches and district and let them know how hard the elders were prepared to work. We told them we expected to baptize many people and help them with anything they needed. The members really loved us and were very excited to have new missionaries. The couples were a great help while we were there---the Scotts, the Taggs, and the Bates. The Bates are local and the Taggs work on a remote island called Aitutaki.
The Cook Islands have a very rich history with the church and will continue to grow in strength and numbers. We attended a district conference while were there and President Lekias had me come up and be his scribe for him (on the whiteboard). It was a huge blessing to be able to be amongst these amazing people and be in paradise for a few days. The church is the same now matter where you are! Only the gospel can unite us across the world. I am very blessed to have had this opportunity! I love being a missinoary and know the Lord loves us, whether we are on an island thousands of kilometres away from anything or in Salt Lake City, Utah.
I love you familia. Thank you for your prayers!
Elder Jensen
P.S. That's why I didn't email yesterday.

P.P.S. Elder Espino couldn't stop raving about the papaya and especially the bananas. The just melt in your mouth!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Dad, you mentioned the temple dedication coming up this Sunday. That's nice. We are all going to the temple this week, a few zones at a time. Elder Espino and I get to go three times. Looking forward to it! This week is going to be really good, for some other reasons as well, but I will have to tell everyone about those next week, after they have occured. Remind me, okay?
We had Zone Leader Council last week. I believe I have told you about zone leader council every time it happens. You probably think it happens every week. No, it is monthly. And it is great. I love it. We discussed about what we as a mission need to do to save over 200 souls this month. That is our goal every month for the rest of the year. President mentioned something during the council that I loved---he said, "In the Church there are no problems, only challenges." Why? Because everything can be overcome! The Church is pretty impressive. What a blessing that we get to be a part of it.
We got to teach a 15-year-old boy named Jake for the first time yesterday. He has been coming to church for weeks, but we have just now gotten the chance to teach him. We taught about the Restoration at the Yerman family's home and at the end of the lesson he prayed to ask if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and if he did "see You and Your Son, Jesus Christ" (that's how he said it in his prayer). After the prayer he said he felt warm and he knew that Jospeh Smith reall ysaw what he said he saw. He was almost surprised, then even more so when we invited him to be baptized in two weeks time,on the 29 of September. What surprised him, I suppose, was his own answer when it escaped his mouth: "Yes... yes, I will." It was a wonderful experience. He is so prepared for the gopel. He woke up at 3am one Saturday morning to walk a few kilometres to the chapel, where he caught the bus to Hamilton to visit the temple. He knew it would be worth it! Now we just have to help his parents be supportive.
I love the work. I know that the Atonement is real. We can repent for anything. If we have erred, we can come back and the Saviour will heal us. I know that is true. I am so grateful for that testimony. It makes me want to help everyone else to know it too. Thanks for your testimonies and your encouragement. I love you family dear.
Elder Jensen

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saving Lives

Dear Family,
Megan mentioned saving lives. It's a real privilege being a part of that. The family that came back from activity---the one in which the kids were baptized---they are doing great. I picture them serving missions and going to save so many other souls in just a few years. They will do so well. Their mom has done an amazing job.
I just want to share one experience today. We went to a district meeting last week in an area in Auckland. The meeting was very good. That district leader actually became a zone leader just two days later, so he is sharp and very desirous to be his best. His companion was sick during the district meeting. After the meeting, I went to speak with him because I felt like there was something more going on than just the flu. As we walked down the hallway, I asked what was going on with him, the my tone implying more than just, "How's the area," and he opened up, telling me of some very difficult things going on back home with his family. He said he couldn't stop thinking about it and he just wanted to go home to help them for a few weeks and then come back. "Going home for a few weeks" would be more than most missionaries could handle, especially after only being out for less than a few months. I have to be honest, I am not very good with these kinds of situations, so I just told him we loved him and that he has all the support he needs. Then I read Doctrine and Covenants 100:1 with him and testified that I knew that his family would be more blessed from his faithful service here than if he goes home. I think he started crying and he just said thank you. We saw this elder a few days later at a baptismal service for a great man that they had been teaching. As we left the service, the elder thanked me again for the scripture and told me he was feeling great. Every time he thought about home or got worried he turns to that scripture and finds comfort. He looked much happier.
It is easy to take for granted the moments on our lives that should matter most. I'm learning that here. I am so grateful that the Lord would prompt us twice to visit this missionary. We don't always know where our Heavenly Father needs us, but He does. I love Him and learn so much from the example of His Son.
I'm doing really well. Thanks for what you do. I couldn't do this without all of your prayers and love. Love you!
Elder Jensen

Monday, September 3, 2012

Another week

Hello. Sometimes it is quite difficult trying to tell you about missionary service. It is way better than anything else. I hope that suffices. It's true, huh Dad? Sounds like you're a working machine by the way. L-3 would fall apart without Super Bryan. That's what I call you when people ask who my father is. No, not really. I think the secret to not falling apart from working too hard is basketball.
There is a new office couple, Elder and Sister Gilmour. Elder Gilmour took over Elder Nelson's responsibilities so we are all beginning to realize how much Elder Nelson really did. He was so busy it blows my mind. He just never told anyone. Great example of humility. We're now essentially taking over car switches in the mission whilie Elder Gilmour works out finding new flats for the upcoming transfers. The Lord really knows how much we can handle and how to stretch us!
Last week was a great one. We had a lot of things going on. We got to witness the Lord's hand in the life of a district leader in an area south of us. The district leader and his district were really struggling when district meeting came around last Tuesday. They barely had anyone they were working with, a couple of sets for baptisms, and they were really struggling with finding new people to teach, finding only eight as a district the week before. We had the good fortune of attending that district meeting and we got to be a part of the action as the district leader rallied the two other companionships in the district and went out from that meeting ready to work. From that Tuesday to the end of the week, these six missionaries found 37 new investigators (meaning someone that they had a lesson with for the first time and got a return appointment with) and set at least seven more souls with dates to be baptized in the month of September. It was inspiring to see that in the strength of the Lord we can do all things. This is what makes me excited! I love it when missionaries "magnify their callings"---which Elder Christensen of the Presidency of the Seventy defined as "doing more than what people expect." Those missionaries also baptized a few people over the weekend. When we asked the district leader why the success was coming, he said, "Because we are talking with everyone," inviting them to learn of the restored gospel. I know that the Lord sees our efforts when we open our mouths to as many people as we can and share the gospel. He blesses us to see the fruits of our labors, either now or later.
Elder Espino is great. He has been through a lot and is a great leader. He is confident and is becoming ever aware of all the little things that makes one stand out as a beacon to others. He loves obedience and doesn't hesitate to help other misisonaries grow in that area. We have had ample opportunities to correct and Elder Espino has no fear to do so! He has an older brother, no sisters. He is from the Gold Coast in Australia. He used to surf. He is a great example to me for many other reasons. I love him. I'm pretty blessed to have such great companions.
Well, I'm glad to hear that Whit is on the final leg. This is the one where you sprint till you can't breathe I think. Let me know how that goes. Jake is singing like the birds in our trees. Megan. What are you doing? You're probably doing well. Be a good girl. Mom, it has been raining real hard, transfers are on Thursday, it has been fun preparing for it, and my asthma is fine. That quote is a beauty! I am learning that consecration thing more and more every day, especially consecrating my thoughts and my willingness. A gift given grudgingly is worth nothing to the giver! Let's get some things in that package that Elder Espino would like. He is an Aussie who may or may not have tried some uniquely American things. You probably wouldn't know hwhat is uniquely American, but I bet you can guess. Thanks Mom. I am really grateful for your anxiety! Jacob in the Book of Mormon (Jacob 1 and 2) shows us what righteous anxiety can allow us to do. Remember I am safe, so don't worry too much.
Love you all. Good day.
Elder Jensen