Sunday, September 25, 2011

Almost General Conference

Dear People,
It's almost October! I'm excited as for General Conference. We're so lucky to get to hear prophets of God speak to us. Lots of people hear are really surprised when we tell them that God has a prophet on earth today. They say, "I wish someone would've told me about that." Haha that reminds me of other times when we talk to people on the street and they say they have been praying for direction in their lives. And we tell them we have this wonderful message, and they "No thanks, I'll just wait for God to answer me."
This last week was very good. So spiritual. This morning our P-day was interrupted by an investigator -- Tuati -- needing a blessing for gout in his knee (yes, gout, again). His less-active partner, Maryann, asked if we could come give him one. Of course, Heavenly Father, with His sense of humor, gave us this opportunity along with another one last week because we had been talking about it a lot. It made me think of a quote from a dude: "Power is in the area of focus." Also, "that which holds your attention, determines your actions." Heavenly Father gives to us according to our desires, whether it be "unto life or unto death." That's just something I have found really amazing. The things that we focus on will be granted unto us. Another example: we focused a lot last week on inviting the Spirit more into the day, and then the week was filled with powerful lessons where we were able to help people with their concerns through the Holy Ghost.
Anyways, though, we went to give this blessing this morning. It was Elder Hoffman's first time! With the sealing part at least. It was awesome. He really followed the Spirit. After the blessing, Tuati (Cook Islander) said he felt warmth around his head, which left right after he finished the blessing. It was powerful. We're really close to helping him commit to a baptismal date, too. He's funny. Heaps of Cook Islanders seem to be funny. Not sure what that is all about. One of the counselors to the bishop in Chapel Downs ward -- his name is Brother Tamatoa -- is this funny as Cook Islander who is so hard to read. You can never tell what he's thinking, but he always seems to be laughing about something. Crazy islander laugh. No offense to islanders -- ofa atu, alofa atu, I love you!
Emmily Marsters (another Cook Islander) was baptized this last weekend in Chapel Downs ward! It was good. She has a powerful testimony. And I'm sorry I didn't write a mass e-mail last week, but a 9-year-old named Angel Kiro was baptized the week before, on the 17th. She really is an Angel. She's so smart, and funny. Love her haha. For her baptism, we had to throw the whole thing together really quickly because our Ward Mission Leader disappeared. Good Stuff. Sorry, I would love to write more, but I'm pretty much outof time. I need to write my mission president.
I eat heaps of taro, if anyone ever wants to look that up. And chicken. Love you guys. Have a good week.
Elder Jensen
P.S. It's getting warmer. Also, Mom, Thanks so much for the package! The best! The trail mix is almost gone after only five days...And what's this about the Darth Vader mug? And the Packers jumper is mean! I've been wearing it like all the time I can. Thank. You. Love. You.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,


I have been a little depressed for the past couple of days. I don't know why. It is just so hard to think that I'm supposed to be the example for all these missionaries, and it seems like I'm constantly messing up and doing everything wrong. Then I realized something: the Lord was still blessing me with so many good things. Ivory was baptized just over a week ago, two others in the district were baptized on Saturday, and one investigator (named Tawera; that's Ta-wa-duh) we are teaching just stopped smoking cold turkey on Friday -- the longest he has ever gone without a smoke, I think. He's also planning on getting married on the day of his baptism on the 24th and felt the Spirit for the first time last week and is consistently reading the Book of Mormon. We also got a call from a member this week around 9 pm, asking us to come baptize her niece! My realization was that the Lord does what is best for us. He lets us go through trials and rough times to "test the cords of our faithfulness." So often we just have to endure. When we don't quit and have conscious faith that the Lord willalways provide something better, we can make it through the hard times and be happy. There is so much good in life. We must look at how much we have, and then more frequently turn to the Lord in prayer, "that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul" (2 Nephi 32:9). The Lord does hear our prayers and that prayer quite literally can "turn the [spiritual] night to day." Also, lots of the time our prayers need to be focused on understanding what Heavenly Father wants us to pray for, not what we want. When we do that, we are happy. I had been praying for revelation to understand why I felt so terrible and why I felt like my investigators were all being "lost to the wayside," then this morning, in comp study, just as we were about to study something to fill the time, we listened to the Spirit and instead felt a need to study the chapter of Preach My Gospel about the Book of Mormon. In fifteen minutes, we thoroughly smashed a section of the chapter and I felt confirmation that this is what my investigators need: more Book of Mormon! Revelation comes through all sorts of channels, but we should certainly be seeking it every day.

I'm happier now. Sort of haha. I just had the wonderful opportunity of correcting the behavior of several of the missionaries I serve, which is tough. But I know that I'm doing the Lord's work and that He wants me to help my brothers and sisters.

I've also been thinking about 9/11. That was actually yesterday for me, but today for America. In the past couple of days, I ran into this one scripture several times in the scriptures and kind of wondered what the Lord was trying to tell me. After coming to understand that it was partially for the district, I also see that it applies to this day. The scripture is "inasmuch as ye will keep my commandments, ye will prosper in the land." That's America! Yep. It is going to continue to go donwhill if it soesn't get its morals straight, but that's exactly why we need to be examples to those around us. I love America and I love all you guys and I'm grateful for all your prayers and letters! Thank you!

Love you heaps.

Elder Jensen

P.S. All-Blacks! Hoorah.

On a side note from his sister, Whitney, today in my student ward I met a kid who served in the mission with Zach and had great things to say about him! It was so great and I was excited! I really wanted to just give him a huge hug, but I did not! :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Another week

Dear everyone,
Good morning. Or evening or whatever. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm doing alright. We had this miracle last week. I can't remember if I told you about this 17-year-old Maori girl named Ivory. We started teaching her over a month ago -- Elder Naicker and me -- and set her to be baptized the first lesson. Then Word of Wisdom issues got in the way. But at the beginning of last week, she texted us and told us she was done smoking because she wanted to do the right thing and be baptized that weekend. Then she was baptized on 3 September! It was amazing. She's a really happy girl, full of the Spirit.
The rest of the week was tough, as we have had some sets fall through or bring up big concerns. I honestly have no idea what to do for some of them, but we'll figure it out with the help of the Lord and the members.
The district that I watch over -- Manurewa District -- is doing amazing. Last night, two additional sets were reported, as well as over twenty new investigators for two companionships. I'm so blessed to be the district leader of such capable and humble missionaries. Haha the funny thing is that I don't really do anything. They just tell me about all these miracles and I just get really excited.
Elder Hoffman, my new companion, is doing great. He loves the work and we were able to witness many miracles the first week he came in. He's pumped and expects a lot from the Lord and himself. We've got some good goals to work with the wards more and save more souls.
Last night I left the keys in the flat so we had to break in. Haha. It's okay though, since people broke into it a couple of months ago -- I had the way prepared for me.
I love this work, but it's so hard. So often I just want to give up. That would be so much easier. But I guess that's exactly what we're teaching our investigators and the less-actives and the recent converts -- life is about enduring in faith and optimism. Haha, wow, I just got an email from my dear brother right as I typed that last sentence and he quoted Alfred: "Endure." The Lord's kingdom is one of second and third witnesses, so to those that feel like life is too tough, follow the admonition of Paul: we hope to be able to endure all things. Thanks for that, Jake.
The work will not be stopped. Love you guys heaps. More and more every day. I am so thankful for all your prayers. Please keep them coming!
Elder Zach