Sunday, September 11, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,


I have been a little depressed for the past couple of days. I don't know why. It is just so hard to think that I'm supposed to be the example for all these missionaries, and it seems like I'm constantly messing up and doing everything wrong. Then I realized something: the Lord was still blessing me with so many good things. Ivory was baptized just over a week ago, two others in the district were baptized on Saturday, and one investigator (named Tawera; that's Ta-wa-duh) we are teaching just stopped smoking cold turkey on Friday -- the longest he has ever gone without a smoke, I think. He's also planning on getting married on the day of his baptism on the 24th and felt the Spirit for the first time last week and is consistently reading the Book of Mormon. We also got a call from a member this week around 9 pm, asking us to come baptize her niece! My realization was that the Lord does what is best for us. He lets us go through trials and rough times to "test the cords of our faithfulness." So often we just have to endure. When we don't quit and have conscious faith that the Lord willalways provide something better, we can make it through the hard times and be happy. There is so much good in life. We must look at how much we have, and then more frequently turn to the Lord in prayer, "that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul" (2 Nephi 32:9). The Lord does hear our prayers and that prayer quite literally can "turn the [spiritual] night to day." Also, lots of the time our prayers need to be focused on understanding what Heavenly Father wants us to pray for, not what we want. When we do that, we are happy. I had been praying for revelation to understand why I felt so terrible and why I felt like my investigators were all being "lost to the wayside," then this morning, in comp study, just as we were about to study something to fill the time, we listened to the Spirit and instead felt a need to study the chapter of Preach My Gospel about the Book of Mormon. In fifteen minutes, we thoroughly smashed a section of the chapter and I felt confirmation that this is what my investigators need: more Book of Mormon! Revelation comes through all sorts of channels, but we should certainly be seeking it every day.

I'm happier now. Sort of haha. I just had the wonderful opportunity of correcting the behavior of several of the missionaries I serve, which is tough. But I know that I'm doing the Lord's work and that He wants me to help my brothers and sisters.

I've also been thinking about 9/11. That was actually yesterday for me, but today for America. In the past couple of days, I ran into this one scripture several times in the scriptures and kind of wondered what the Lord was trying to tell me. After coming to understand that it was partially for the district, I also see that it applies to this day. The scripture is "inasmuch as ye will keep my commandments, ye will prosper in the land." That's America! Yep. It is going to continue to go donwhill if it soesn't get its morals straight, but that's exactly why we need to be examples to those around us. I love America and I love all you guys and I'm grateful for all your prayers and letters! Thank you!

Love you heaps.

Elder Jensen

P.S. All-Blacks! Hoorah.

On a side note from his sister, Whitney, today in my student ward I met a kid who served in the mission with Zach and had great things to say about him! It was so great and I was excited! I really wanted to just give him a huge hug, but I did not! :)

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