Sunday, December 25, 2011

DH Alert

Elder Jensen to the home base,

Good talking to you familia. You all sounded good, especially Jake ;) That is the first and last time you'll ever see a smiley face in one of my emails. Merry Christmas everyone else. I'm doing great and I'm grateful for all your prayers. The work is soaring, probably in good measure due to your prayers. I love serving in the the land of the man and orc. I know that God lives. He loves you! Remember to "live today for eternity." Make sure your decisions today coincide with your desired eternal destination. Helaman 10:1-5 is wonderful. Love you guys. Arohanui! (Much love in Maori).

Elder Jensen

Monday, December 19, 2011


Dear home bound people,

Elder Jensen here. Hi. Last week was a great one. Due to lack of time, I will quickly write many scattered thoughts.

Weekend before last: Funny as Kiribati boy, Tebuti Toareti, was baptized! He's 14 and loves fish and rice. Sarah Russell got baptized! That was a huge miracle, since she tried to back out the last week, but she felt the Spirit too strongly with a blessing and some lessons. I was so happy when she got in the font, I almost cried. Nah, not really, but it was powerful. She's 24, Maori, funny as, loves dogs. Solid convert! Matira Maney was baptized as well, just two hours after Sarah! Another crazy miracle, as the weeks before this she had been in Auckland for ages, even though she was set for last weekend for nearly a month. In a massive miracle moment, she decided drop smoking and other issues and get baptized. She is 48, Maori hard, and has a slightly insane son who tried to kill his brother last Monday evening (we witnessed attempted murder and called the cops! Cool -- he sat in on FHE the next night...). Our Punjabi Miracle Man, Gurpreet Dhoat, is getting baptized on Christmas Eve. It's going to be a white Christmas! This will be the first Christmas he ever celebrates. He's looking forward to it. He rode the bus with the ward for and hour and half to see the temple lights in Hamilton last weekend and when I asked him about it he said, in his choppy Indian accent and with a smile on his face, "Very good -- Holy Ghost." Score one for the republic! The wards are loving all the baptisms. It's a good feeling coming to church and seeing that a good portion of the congregation is made up of recent converts. We've had some pretty big trials this last week, but it doesn't really matter, because when we have a determination to do something, the Lord tests us to see if we're serious about it. In one or two days this weekend, we had two or three huge miracles finds and sets (for baptism) text us and say things like, "please delete my number" and "don't come around again" but then on Sunday we had members bringing four new people to church! Two of them are going to be getting the lessons within the week. Ether 12:6 very accurately describes my mission experience and I love it. What better way to grow.

I love you guys and I'm excited for Christmas to see everyone thinking even more about the Savior. Don't forget what it's really about and remember how much He loves you. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Elder Jensen

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Windstorm Mania!

Hey Family and Friends,

Whoa! I love this windstorm business I'm hearing all about. I didn't even know you could have a "wind day" to get school off.... Were there any small children mistaken for birds in all the confusion? I've got to admit, I'm a bit jealous. We don't really have psycho wind like that here in Tauranga. Oh, and this is weird: Elder Walker's hometown also had a crazy windstorm. About the same kind of damage and wind speeds. Very cool.

So this week (technically it's a new week for me, but it's the end of the week for you guys so I will refer to my "last week" as "this week") has been miracle central. The Lord has worked some mighty miracles this week that we might be able to help more of our brothers and sisters to come home. There's so much I could talk about but I'll just mention a couple of things. Earlier in the week, we decided to try some former investigators that we found in our area book. We went to visit one named Ti, out  in Welcome Bay, whom neither Elder Walker nor myself had ever met (excellent grammar if I do say so myself). At the home we met this Tongan guy and asked if his name was Ti (we pronounced it "tie," since we weren't sure). He said yes, starting talking to us a bit, wasn't too keen (interested), then someone pulled up in a car and he told us to talk to her. She said the man's name wasn't Ti -- but he had a son named Ty. Turns out the lady in the car was a member who just moved in with this Tongan guy (her brother-in-law). We set up a time to come back, met the 11-year-old boy, Ty, taught him about baptism, and he accepted the invitation to be baptized on Christmas Eve! The best Christmas present in the world! We had been praying all day that day for someone to set for baptism and the Lord provided! And I don't know if you noticed, but the name in the area book was a woman -- a completely different person with no relation to these Tongan Maoris. We go to visit a former, the former doesn't live there anymore but someone else named Ty does, and members just moved into the household.... Coincidences like this don't just happen. I'll tell you why it did happen. Because Heavenly Father loves His children and wants them to be able to come back to Him and find the most happiness in this life. Of this I have no doubt. Countless times on my mission has He led me to those who are prepared for the gospel. And Ty is definitely prepared. He had great questions, picked it up quickly, prayed that night, read from the Book of Mormon, reminded his auntie to pray, then came to church the next day, despite his nan coming over that morning and talking trash on the church! I love that boy and I love the Lord.

I know I said a couple of miracles, so now let me show you another evidence of God's existence and His Hand in the salvation of souls. The Lord has definitely led me to people throughout my mission, but never has one been led to us like this: yesterday we were talking to heaps of people at a mall during our short break between church meetings, and these two young Punjabi (Punjab is in India) guys walked up to Elder Walker. He was talking to someone else, so they just waited for him to be done. I knew he had already talked to one of them a few minutes before so I didn't say anything. I was waiting for Elder Walker as well since we were going to be late for church -- five minutes till the Welcome Bay ward started. When he finished talking to the lady, the Punjabi man that Elder Walker had talked to before said, "My friend has a question for you." His friend, Gurpreet, then said, "Can I adopt Christianity?" Elder Walker and I thought about it for a bit and, after some private discussion, came to the conclusion that it would be acceptable for this young Indian to adopt Christianity. Not really -- we said of course and asked him what he was doing in five minutes. So he followed us to church, stayed for all three hours, loved it, and... accepted the invitation to be baptized on the 24th of December! Just so you know, Indians very, very rarely are baptized, in part due to the fact that some of them will be killed for doing so. As if this whole event wasn't a miracle enough.

I do know that God is real and that He cares for each of us. Each person matters to Him. Everyone has the potential to become like Him and so everyone needs to be treated as such. Why else would he go to such lengths to bring these people to us? I am grateful beyond explanation to be a missionary for Jesus Christ. I love Him more than anything and I will serve Him until there's nothing left of me. Seriously, I love this work. Thanks for all your support. I love you guys heaps. It's great to know that I have a whole army of support back home to reinforce me with prayers, letters, and packages. If I could ask just a little bit more, it would be that you strive to put the Lord first in your life and become like the Savior. For anyone lacking faith, I've got a million more stories I could tell you to try to prove to you that He's there and He loves you (write me about it and I swear on my little sister's black belt championship medal that I will write you back), but to really build your faith, go to church, study and ponder the Book of Mormon, pray with faith, and BE OBEDIENT to the commandments, "and [you] shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself."

Have a merry month! Talk to you next week.

Elder Jensen