Sunday, September 16, 2012


Dad, you mentioned the temple dedication coming up this Sunday. That's nice. We are all going to the temple this week, a few zones at a time. Elder Espino and I get to go three times. Looking forward to it! This week is going to be really good, for some other reasons as well, but I will have to tell everyone about those next week, after they have occured. Remind me, okay?
We had Zone Leader Council last week. I believe I have told you about zone leader council every time it happens. You probably think it happens every week. No, it is monthly. And it is great. I love it. We discussed about what we as a mission need to do to save over 200 souls this month. That is our goal every month for the rest of the year. President mentioned something during the council that I loved---he said, "In the Church there are no problems, only challenges." Why? Because everything can be overcome! The Church is pretty impressive. What a blessing that we get to be a part of it.
We got to teach a 15-year-old boy named Jake for the first time yesterday. He has been coming to church for weeks, but we have just now gotten the chance to teach him. We taught about the Restoration at the Yerman family's home and at the end of the lesson he prayed to ask if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and if he did "see You and Your Son, Jesus Christ" (that's how he said it in his prayer). After the prayer he said he felt warm and he knew that Jospeh Smith reall ysaw what he said he saw. He was almost surprised, then even more so when we invited him to be baptized in two weeks time,on the 29 of September. What surprised him, I suppose, was his own answer when it escaped his mouth: "Yes... yes, I will." It was a wonderful experience. He is so prepared for the gopel. He woke up at 3am one Saturday morning to walk a few kilometres to the chapel, where he caught the bus to Hamilton to visit the temple. He knew it would be worth it! Now we just have to help his parents be supportive.
I love the work. I know that the Atonement is real. We can repent for anything. If we have erred, we can come back and the Saviour will heal us. I know that is true. I am so grateful for that testimony. It makes me want to help everyone else to know it too. Thanks for your testimonies and your encouragement. I love you family dear.
Elder Jensen

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