Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saving Lives

Dear Family,
Megan mentioned saving lives. It's a real privilege being a part of that. The family that came back from activity---the one in which the kids were baptized---they are doing great. I picture them serving missions and going to save so many other souls in just a few years. They will do so well. Their mom has done an amazing job.
I just want to share one experience today. We went to a district meeting last week in an area in Auckland. The meeting was very good. That district leader actually became a zone leader just two days later, so he is sharp and very desirous to be his best. His companion was sick during the district meeting. After the meeting, I went to speak with him because I felt like there was something more going on than just the flu. As we walked down the hallway, I asked what was going on with him, the my tone implying more than just, "How's the area," and he opened up, telling me of some very difficult things going on back home with his family. He said he couldn't stop thinking about it and he just wanted to go home to help them for a few weeks and then come back. "Going home for a few weeks" would be more than most missionaries could handle, especially after only being out for less than a few months. I have to be honest, I am not very good with these kinds of situations, so I just told him we loved him and that he has all the support he needs. Then I read Doctrine and Covenants 100:1 with him and testified that I knew that his family would be more blessed from his faithful service here than if he goes home. I think he started crying and he just said thank you. We saw this elder a few days later at a baptismal service for a great man that they had been teaching. As we left the service, the elder thanked me again for the scripture and told me he was feeling great. Every time he thought about home or got worried he turns to that scripture and finds comfort. He looked much happier.
It is easy to take for granted the moments on our lives that should matter most. I'm learning that here. I am so grateful that the Lord would prompt us twice to visit this missionary. We don't always know where our Heavenly Father needs us, but He does. I love Him and learn so much from the example of His Son.
I'm doing really well. Thanks for what you do. I couldn't do this without all of your prayers and love. Love you!
Elder Jensen

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