Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life in the NZ. Barely surviving.

Just a side note...for those who don't know there was an earthquake down in NZ but it only affected the south island and he is on the north island. He is fine, but he enjoys being a dork, thus his email. I was supposed to come up with something a little more creative, but no creativity tonight. -Whitney :)

Dearly Beloved,

I regret to inform you that I have no time. Ever since the Christchurch earthquakes, the whole of New Zealand has been in mass chaos. Molotov cocktails are a favorite among Maoris. Our flat has been looted several times over. We've been forced to take shelter in an abandoned car park. Several other missionaries in my district have been dismembered before my eyes. My companion's left leg is covered in third degree burns and cries us both to sleep every night. I am relatively unscathed with only two broken fingers. My bike, my only source of transportation, has been gruesomely mangled -- run over by a young Indian man with a burning passion for crushing missionaries. Fortunately, blind men have great difficulty noticing when one is standing next to the bike and not riding it. Many of our investigators are very interested in what we have to share, maybe because of the miracles being performed on the right and on the left. Unfortunately, vicious riots claim the bodies of these poor souls faster than we can. Without electricity, delicious Kiwi ice cream is melting faster than we can eat it. Heaps and heaps of emptied 2 liter containers lie in waste beside the frozen eateries from whence they came.

Have fun with the rest Whit. Make it good. I'm doing great. Mission tour is this week on Thursday. Should be good. Someone really did run over my bike. That was interesting. He's getting it fixed today. Love you all! I'll probably be able to send a letter today!

Love, and in much sorrow of heart because of the iniquity of this people,
Elder Jensen

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