Sunday, March 6, 2011

March Already...

Dear Civilized People,

The mission is going great! Time is flying by. Yesterday was my two month mark. Yeah.


Sorry about the e-mail last week. I was caught up in a lot of wartime action. There wasn't much time with the mortars and such blowing my fellow missionaries to pieces. The good news is our zone beat their personal best for baptisms: 25! None of them from me... But that's okay.

This week has been very interesting. It rained for two days straight. It was pouring. We got soaked out on our bikes. There was on point around 8:10 pm on Friday night and we had no one to visit. We decided to say a prayer to guide us to someone to help that night. After giving a very heartfelt prayer I hopped on my bike and we headed out of our cover under a roof and into the rain. And... flat tire.I yelled to Elder Brown and showed him the flat. He laughed and said he had just had the thought "don't be a hero" right after the prayer. So we walked back to our flat (remember, that's an apartment; I also had a flat tire -- two different things) in the rain. Strangely enough, that was an answer to our prayer. Yeah, so that was fun.

I gave my very first priesthood blessing on Thursday. We had gone to dinner at member's house, but they didn't eat with us, just fed us in a corner by ourselves. The whole time I was thinking, "What a waste of time," because usually we try to do some missionary work with the family. Anyways, as we were leaving, we asked the father how he was and if there was anything we could do for him. He said he was probably going to lose his job the next day, but he's okay, and there was nothing we could do. Then the thought, "Offer a priesthood blessing" entered my head, and I'm sorry to say that I did not want to say anything since I'd never given one before. I was almost sweating trying to resist the Spirit (I know, I know). But I knew I would regret it if I didn't offer that blessing. So I did. He accepted immediately and I gave him a blessing of comfort and counsel. Let me testify of something to all of you. The priesthood is God's power on the earth. He spoke through me and allowed me to bless this faithful member with exactly what he needed. He approached me on Sunday in a much better mood and thanked me several times, saying maybe this was supposed to happen so he could find a better job. It was an incredible experience and even though the numbers for Thursday were terrible, I know I made a difference in someone's life.

I have had so many experiences that have strengthened my testimony this week and throughout the mission. I am growing to love this people. Yes, a mission is hard, but the reward is there, and I'm trying my best. Nothing makes me happier than living the Gospel and being a witness to the change it can have in others' lives.

I love you guys and I can't tell you how grateful I am for the support and the prayers for me. Thank you!

Transfers on Thursday. Maybe I'll e-mail from somewhere else next Monday. See ya in a couple years!

Elder Jensen

My cute brother and a couple of other missionaries.
The zone he is in and a couple others

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