Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory of The Lord!

Dear Family and Friends,

It's amazing how much the Lord loves us! I think it was during my study today that I was thinking about how much He cares for just me. For just me, He would have nails thrust through His hands and feet over and over and over. For me, He bled from every pore. He sees the potential that I have, even when I don't understand at all. When I think of myself as just another person, like a grain of sand on the beach, He reminds me that I'm meant to become like Him. There is so much more than what we perceive. We just don't get it. I love the quote by President Uchtdorf I think:"The Lord of the Universe knows you." What's the best part of the gospel? To know that you are worth more than all the riches of the world.

This last weekend, I had the privilege of seeing another person get baptized. Layla said after the confirmation, "I feel clean." Six others in the zone were also baptized. A highlight was a family of three, Simeon and Charlene, and their daughter Nova. They're choice. I met them once on trade-off and I love them! The mission saved 149 souls in the month of october! Mean as. I love this work. Makes me feel really neat.

Lots of good stuff happened this week, but I can't remember very well because I still stink at writing in my journal. Elder Walker sang a nice version of "I Feel My Savior's Love" at the baptism. It was heart-warming. We retrieved a broken mirror in a room full of junk in the flat to write our investigators and potentials on (with markers), and while trying to mount it on the wall, I sliced my finger off... oh, I mean open, I sliced it open. It only took 14 stitches. Nah, it really didn't take any stitches. But it did hurt a little and I was laugh-screaming so I went to wash it off a little in the kitchen sink. Elder Walker thought it would be funny if salt got in the wound so he started chucking salt at me. Another day, he made me pancakes in the morning, then got in the shower, So I tried to make him pancakes, but I made them too thin, so he made fun of me. He told me I probably shouldn't try to make pancakes any more. I'm not a Canadian after all. We started something up in the zone called "BOMing our Preach By The Ways," which means to flip to random verses in the Book of Mormon when we talk to people on the street or when we knock a door. It's funny as! Sometimes you flip to some crazy scripture that you think is hopeless, but then somehow you relate it to the investigator and they ask for a Book of Mormon on the spot! This is true. I've had more people ask for Book of Mormons on the street in the past three days than in the three weeks before. The Book of Mormon is powerful! I hope everyone has read this book and is reading every day. I can promise you an increase of faith and greater satisfaction with your life if you do take time to seriously study this heaven-sent book each day.

We've got another investigator being baptized on the 12th of November! Her name is Maya. She is Layla's daughter. And Layla is our ward mission leader's wife. Which means... temple! In a year. Oh baby. Exciting. Also, Thomas and Roylene should be getting sealed in a year as well. He's the one who got baptized on the 22nd. I will still be in New Zealand for these, as well as the two or three others I've had on my mission so far! That means I will probably be able to go the sealings. Hope so anyway. By the way, I say "two or three" not because I can't remember, but because I'm worried about the faithfulness of one of the couples... I think I will write them and see how they are doing. I know I need to write many of you as well.....................

It's pretty green here. Lots of sun, and soon to be many scantily dressed girls as well with the ocean right by. We will just have to teach them the Law of Chastity, eh? The ocean is beautiful, but has some oil in it, due to some dummy who somehow crashed into the reef. "He is so dumb. D-U-M. Dumb." -Ashley Easton (Hi Ashley!)

Has it snowed in Utah yet?! It's wild that you get snow there. What's it like? It's the white stuff, right? Someone send me some...

I love you guys and hope you're all doing great! Thanks for reading.

Love with a passion,
Elder Jensen

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