Sunday, May 29, 2011

Transfers are this week, Not last week


This week was a good one because we saved two souls. Oceanna was baptized by Elder Purdon and Legacy by Elder "Stud" Jensen. The confirmations were swapped. It was my first time doing a confirmation (took me long enough, I know). Man, I was scared out of my mind. I know that's a little ridiculous but I have just been really trying to say what the Spirit wants me to say, so I prayed like mad several times before the confirmation. And it went great! The Spirit just took control and I was just chillin there waiting for Him to be done. Nah, but it was really cool and I'm glad I was spiritually prepared to do it. Makes a huge difference. I did realize something though. When the Spirit has nothing more for you to say, just end the blessing. I went just a bit too long and ended up saying pretty much the same sentence twice. Goofy, huh? That's the priesthood for you. The strength of the ocean of God.

Hey, I was wondering, how is Gates doing?

Also, will someone please return Hailey's "Preparation Precedes Power" book that I was borrowing before I left? I can't remember if I already asked someone to do that months ago, but I just remembered about it again, so yeah.... Shout out to Hay, since I'm talking about you!

Good luck Ryan Checketts! I heard the farewell was powerful. Doesn't surprise me. You'll do awesome. Hopefully we can stay in touch throughout our missions -- annual letters maybe, since I don't write much. So, yeah. See you soon (it feels soon -- five months already? Still not sure that's accurate. Time may be faster in the Southern Hemisphere -- someone please confirm)!

Happy birthday in a few days Mekenzie! Love you!

And C-Pain, happy birthday my friend.

So I'm fairly sure I'll be headed to Auckland this week, but we'll see. I'll let you know next week.

I could actually probably write heaps about cool stuff if I really think hard, but I don't have time today. I'm going shopping! For nearly expiring food that is way cheap! Sweet huh?

My last thought: prayer is powerful. So, so powerful. Don't ever think that your prayers are ignored. If you ask in FAITH, you will receive. I promise. I prayed the other day for it to stop raining -- we were caught unawares -- and it stopped immediately. I know this church is true. I know it. I know Heavenly Father wants us to pray specifically for righteous desires, and according to our obedience, he rewards! NZAM saved 194 souls this month. Through faith, diligence, and hard work. And PRAYER.

Bye! Love you guys! Thanks for everything!

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