Sunday, May 22, 2011

Still Alive?

Zach at his Zone Conference

Oh Canada,

That's for Alana. She better read this.

Isn't it crazy that we're all still alive?! Man, we were scared out of our minds Saturday night. May 21st! I wonder what happened. Did the prophet man and his people get caught up in the rapture? Are we in our five months of torture now? I'm sure it will all come to light soon.

So you all remember the Catholic lady I told you about? Who I was really excited for? Yeah, she dropped us. Again. We'll try again to help her realize that the most happiness comes from the message we share, but who knows if it will work this time. I'll let you know. It made me sad. I was so excited for her, especially because we have been working with her forever. But you can't get upset about every single person who drops you because then a mission would be impossible.

Our two kids set for baptism -- Oceanna and Legacy -- are awesome! Last lesson, they really started warming up to us. They were going crazy and laughing and talking and everything, when the day before they were too shy to say anything. They're excited to get baptized. Remember how I said their great-nan, Lucy, is also unbaptized? Yeah, she and Paula (kids' mom/auntie -- confusing relationships; I won't go into it) came to our Gospel Principles class, where we stressed authority to baptize, because Lucy thinks her other baptism is good. Finally Paula caught on to what we were saying and afterwards asked if Lucy needed to get baptized into our church. Now she's on our side, wanting to get Lucy baptized. So she should get dunked pretty soon too. Maybe this weekend. That would be cool.

This week was pretty dang good. We talked to tons of people on the street, got a couple of investigators interested again through the power of the BOM (we seriously did nothing, just started reading it with them), had lots of investigators at church (more than last week), set a lady for baptism next month (Elder Purdon set her on a tradeoff, so I've yet to teach her, but she sounds solid), had an amazing zone conference, found out recent convert Hoby is related to soon-to-be-converts and family, and got cookies on sale. What more can you ask for? More miracles! Through obedience and diligence and faith. That's where it all comes from. We did really well in all three of those this week. Not perfect of course, but better. The challenge is doing even better this next week. Our mission has a thing called PB -- Personal Best. Always work on doing better than you've done. That works in all aspects of life. I'd encourage everyone to take a look at themselves and see what they can improve on. Then just focus on one thing. Try it!

Hey family, I know you're sending a package soon -- will you include one of those scripture mastery cards with all one hundred SMs on it? Just the one, not the four separate books. Thanks. Mother, I'm fine. Everything is great. If I need anything, I will let you know. Thanks for worrying yourself to death.

Well, love you all. I love getting letters and hearing how everyone is doing. I try to respond, but you know how busy things are.... Maybe when I go to some place in the bush I'll do nothing on preparation days and have tons of time to write. But don't count on it. More likely than not, I will be transferred to Auckland next week. We'll see in a couple of weeks.

This work is always rewarding, but especially so when you see the members change their mindset to focus more on missionary work. Please, everyone do some missionary work! Most of you live in Utah, the highest baptizing missions in the world! Guess where all those baptisms come from? Yep, members. Preach My Gospel chapter 9 has great stuff about how you can do missionaries. I'd love to hear about my friends and family bringing the Gospel to people. That would be the coolest thing ever.

Anyways, thanks for everything! See you guys soon (or at least it feels soon because it's already been four and a half months!). Love you.

Your favorite New Zealand missionary,
Elder Zachary Jensen

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