Sunday, May 8, 2011

Post Mothers Day

Just a side note Elder Jensen did get to call home on Saturday and we got to talk to him for a little over 2 hours. He sounds absolutely great and is doing great things down in New Zealand. He would love to hear from friends and family. The best option would be to send letters rather than email as he doesn't have a lot of time to read emails. He sen home like a million and one pictures so I will be posting a bunch of those on here when I get the time. Anyways, because he talked to us for so long yesterday this letter is directed to about 8 of his closest friends called the death hammers. He has definitely not lost his sense of humor, thats for sure. Happy reading...


I don't really know what to say. I talked to you family members yesterday. You sounded great. Too bad Little Jake wasn't there. I would've liked to talk to him.

So the rest of this is for my compatriots-in-purpose, the greatest missionaries of all time, the bringers of death by means of hammer, the Death Hammers (almost previously known as the Charizards). How are things? I hope you're all doing well on your missions. It was sweet as to hear from everyone in the April DH Newsletter. Lee, I wanted to let you know that I'm not far behind you in terms of an abundance of rain. It rains heaps here. I had to get a new jacket because the other one I have (supposedly top of the line) soaked through in about fifteen minutes in the heavy rain that plagues the Claudelands suburb of Hamilton, New Zealand. Sometimes it's enjoyable, other times not so much.... Hey Alex, isn't your birthday July 14? So you're going into the MTC the day before your birthday? That's crazy. I think they throw pretty syck parties in the MTC though, so you've got nothing to worry about. Just keep your White Handbook close and a picture of me closer. I think you'll be the youngest elder since Joseph F. Smith.

Just so you all know, I'm getting fatter every day. I've gained around 25 pounds. Alex, remember when we joked about that? Yeah, it's not as funny as we thought. Although, the missionaries in my district and few members seem to find it pretty hilarious. So cruel. I heard Nebraska was ravaged and on the verge of annihilation by supernatural tornadoes. If they haven't found Sam yet, I would recommend a thorough search of all shacks sporting a lambda insignia. Glade, I was curious, how long has Genghis Khan been the mission president in Ulaanbaatar and are you supposed to learn horseback archery before you leave or do you learn in the field?

Pope, kiitos kirjeestä, jonka te lähetetty MTC. Myös, kiitos kaunis sieni Bob viite. Olen velkaa sinulle.Onnea kieli. Caleb and Eric, I won't tell you to stay out of trouble because I am only licensed with a ministerial certificate to work miracles here in New Zealand. What I would ask, however, is that I receive updates on any dates with my sister or close friends.

New Zealand is awesome. I have baptized one Uruk Hai and a dwarf, of Thorin's clan. Bilbo Baggins is in my current ward (goes under the alias "Raymond" -- I haven't seen his feet for confirmation yet, but will continue trying). The goblins are a very humble people, willing to listen. We have a family of four that we're hoping to set in the near future. The humans are a hard-hearted people, caught up in pride and vain traditions. We do have one human assassin, however, that has been coming to church for three months (he won't be baptized yet, because he's "waiting for the order" from his less active commander). A rogue elf who we have been working with grew up in the Church of Sauron, but is looking for more peace in her life. She has much potential. It is believed she is 1039 years old (unconfirmed).

I know the work we're all doing is guided by our Heavenly Father. It has been so awesome to hear how yous have grown. Just kidding, I haven't adopted "yous" into my NZ-tainted vocabulary yet. The mission has been really hard at times and I've developed a greater love for my Savior, and I know miracles are possible when I'm obedient, working hard, and having faith. I know because I've seen them. One of our recent converts quit smoking and drinking and drugs all at once without us even mentioning the Word of Wisdom. I'm excited to witness even more miracles. When you watch someone's life changed by the Gospel, it makes this all worth it.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone. Keep up the good work and I'll see you guys in a couple years. I'm glad we could have such a good group of friends. Love you DHs.


Elder Jensen


  1. I just copied this and sent it to Lee! I am sure he will appreciate this letter so much. Haha!! those Death Hammers...
    I found while reading this that I was so--- confused...hopefully the DH's will get it more. :)
