Sunday, June 24, 2012

Missionary Life


Hi. Last week was great -- so much going on. Heaps of mid-transfers with American missionaries getting their visas are making life really interesting! It's nice. Elder Nelson kindly bought me a new mattress because the current one has a massive hole, so that should be nice.

I traded off with a Manukau zone leader last week. It was good to see how 'in the details' he is. He was very thorough in his nightly calls and strove to cover everything necessary to get someone baptized. He really wants to learn how to be more loving. He said he wants to care about people more. We both learned much from the trade off about how necessary it is to gain the respect and trust of the people and especially the missionaries. We talked about developing and exercising Christlike attributes to gain that respect and trust. By the end of the trade off I felt that he had a greater understanding of why and how to love others more. This was exemplified in his patience while we talked with people on the street. He is very straightforward, but I could see the patience showing more on his face. He has grown so much since our last trade off a few months ago and he will continue to!

I also went on trade off with a Manurewa zone leader last week. He is quite impressive. He has a great ability to assess a situation and know what to do. He seems to be pondering a lot. We were able to experience some wonderful miracles with prayer as we sought to know exactly where the Lord needed us. We talked a lot about his own trade offs and how he can make them very uplifting experiences for the other missionary with much learning. He was excited to apply it. He said that usually when he has a question or a thought he just thinks about it a lot and asks the Lord in prayer, and generally he receives an answer. He is very spiritually in tune, so I believe that he does receive many answers through prayer, but then I asked him why he has a companion if not to talk with! He laughed and realized that they should counsel more. I love him! He has so much potential! They are doing great in Manurewa.

Lastly, I traded off with a Whangarei zone leader and Elder Hoffman (the missionary I trained months ago) on Friday. I was only with each of them for a very short time, but learned a lot. Elder Hoffman has so much faith! We went out and talked with everyone we saw, finding someone to teach almost every time we opened our mouths. Elder Hoffman is also doing a good job at getting members involved. The zone leader has grown so much in confidence since I was with him last and has a great desire to follow the Spirit. He has a presence about him that causes other missionaries to respect him and trust him. At times he can give very constructive and specific feedback that will help his missionaries to improve quickly. We talked a lot about knowing HOW he saves souls weekly so that he can teach others how to do the same. We talked a lot about D&C 50 -- learning by the Spirit as you teach by the Spirit and how important it is to use what the Lord has given us to teach: the scriptures. He is an excellent missionary!

In all these trade offs, one thing stood out the most: change. All of them are changing and becoming more like the Saviour. It was a great week!

Our investigator, Chantelle Christoffersen, got baptized on Saturday! It was amazing. She has come a long way since the first time she texted us only two and a half weeks ago. She has given up smoking, loves the Book of Mormon, makes fun of me all the time (just like President Lekias and everyone else---I don't understand...). The ward is so excited to help her! Everyone was asking us if they could have her at their house for a new member lesson. She already has visiting teachers assigned, and she has a solid understanding of covenants, so she is really strong. Her little six-year-old, Melody, is so funny. She is wild.

We had a great run to the airport this morning to pick up six missionaries at 6am! I love it.

Remember how you once said you don't always like the same stuff sent each week, so this is what I'm going with this week. It may not mean much to you, but this is my week! Great stuff. Okay, well, thanks for everything!

Love you!

Elder Jensen

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