Sunday, June 17, 2012

Malo Soe Fua!

Hello family,

What a nice week and day it has been. Last night we had a huge Come and See Fireside. There was estimated 2000 people there--members, missionaries, and nonmembers. And guess who conducted this massive event? ... Take a guess... come on... it was me! I was on crowd control and conducting the fireside. It was crazy. There were souls as far as the eye can see. I exaggerate, but I don't exaggerate in saying that this was probably one of the biggest firesides in the history of New Zealand. People were crowded shoulder to shoulder in the foyers; there were screens set up in four different rooms outside of the chapel; drapes were opened so that people could look in from the outside. There were so many people because one of the best rugby players in the world came to share his conversion story. His name is Jonah Lomu. He is famous, even if you have no idea who I am talking about. Anyway, he was just baptized a few months ago, so we invited him to be our keynote speaker. He is a great man, and his wife is wonderful as well. They were very patient with all the people and bore great testimonies. He will be very influential in helping the church spread farther in New Zealand, I reckon. It was a good experience for me to inform people that their car lights were on, crack some dry jokes while announcing the program, and tell people they were being a fire hazard. Elder Kaufusi did a great job with the technical stuff. He didn't miss a beat.

So that was nice. Remember Sister Christoffersen? I think I told you about her last week. She is doing great! She cut down to one smoke yesterday! Choice, huh? Her six-year-old daughter, Melody, loved the fireside last night. She was taking all the cookies afterwards. Sister Nelson, an office missionary, sat by Sister Christoffersen and talked to her for a while. She is getting to know everyone in the ward! She had dinner with the Mercer family Saturday night, meets a new member almost every time we come to teach her, and loves church and meeting people there. She is looking forward to her baptism this Saturday. It will be great.

We are having some changes here in our area. The assistants' area has always been neglected too much because of all of our responsibilities, but things are opening up so that we can be in our area almost every day of the week. We have a goal to save eight souls next month. We are really looking forward to all the miracles. The emails will just keep getting better. 

We met a few Samoan young men on the street yesterday who have been to church heaps in Samoa and even a few times here, who are not baptized but have graduated seminary! How bout that? They are keen to have us over so hopefully we'll go this week and see if we can baptize them in the near future.

I love serving the Lord. It is the best experience. A brother in the ward just finished his mission in Adelaide, Australia and came back this week. He called us up the very same day he returned--not yet released--and told us he was ready to come with us and teach anytime. He came to a lesson with us a few days later with Sister Christoffersen and was great! You can tell that he just loves the work so much. He said he is converted to the NZAM now!

Elder Kaufusi spoke on Sunday, first time in this ward even though he has been in the ward for six months. He did a great job. Elder Kaufusi has such a great love for people that you just KNOW that he cares for you, no matter how he says it. His parents must be proud! The ward members would have definitely felt it. We really feel that this ward is going to get going. It is an amazing feeling seeing members experience the Spirit of missionary work! There is nothing better, I promise. President Lekias said something interesting earlier. We were talking about one of the wards in the mission that hasn't had missionaries in it for quite some time. The ward feels very subdued, not much zeal or fire. President said, no wonder--there are no missionaries! It is the Spirit of missionary work that livens up a ward and a soul. It is the ultimate expression of gratitude, to give what you have.

It was transfers last week so we were zombies once again, and it was wonderful. "Unwearyingness" is the key to the power (Helaman 10:4-5)! It was a great week and we the next few weeks will be very full-steam-ahead as well, if you know what I mean.

Well, I have typed a lot, my hands are tired, my hour is up, and I am off to buy food or something. I love you and am very grateful for you! Thank you for sending me all the genealogy stuff. It is exactly what I was hoping for. We have so awesome ancestors! They are pretty tough. Red beard... haha. Okay, bye!

Elder Jensen

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