Sunday, August 7, 2011

Trunked out of your minds. And the priesthood.

Hello Family,

Do you know what trunky means? Let me fill you in. It's a missionary term, meaning looking forward to going home, or thinking about home, etc. You guys are so trunky! I'll come home when my mission is over, and then I will think about home-related things, but right now I'm busy serving the Lord. A couple of people said see you in 17 months! I didn't even know that's how much time I had left! I love getting letters and packages and emails, but you don't need to be trunky! I miss all of you, like you miss me. We all know how much we miss each other. So let's just leave that out of correspondence. Deal? Okay, thanks.

In other news, I want to tell you all a story about a young 25-year-old girl named Leeanne who I am pretty sure I told you about last week. She has made amazing progress. She came to church yesterday for the second time. She is really excited to be baptized, but has problems with the Word of Wisdom. At first she had some pretty strong addictions to smoking and drinking. So we taught her about the Atonement and faith and all this other good stuff. And she hasn't had a drink in two weeks! That's what we in the New Zealand Auckland like to call a miracle. The smoking, however, is still a problem. She has cut down heaps, but is still having trouble with it. She understands that smoking -- even if only just a little -- will keep her out of the Celestial Kingdom, so she is doing her very best to quit. She has made goals and plans to stop and is sticking to them. Her little girl, maybe five years old, is always there for the lessons, and one day, as she was getting out of the car to go to school, Rangi (the daughter) asked Leeanne, "Mommy, when are you going to stop smoking?" The influence of a child is powerful. Leeanne asked if she wanted her to stop and Rangi said yes. A couple of days ago, I went on tradeoff with a zone leader and President Lekias (he wanted to come see our teaching -- sweet haha) to a lesson with Leeanne. She was crying because she had just been in a fight with her sister, so we taught her about the power of faith in Jesus Christ to heal all kinds of pains and afflictions. We then talked about the Priesthood and its ability to heal addictions (using Matthew 10:1), and offered her a priesthood blessing for the smoking. The Spirit was so powerful in the room as I asked her who she would like to give her the blessing. With this look in her eyes, like, "duh, who do you think?" she pointed at me and said, "you." With the mission president and Elder Nipko, I gave a spirit-filled blessing. As I finished, President asked Leeanne how she felt, and she said she felt some kind of shiver going down her spine and felt amazing. I know she will make it to the waters of baptism. She and her daughter will be sealed together someday, with a worthy priesthood holder. And they will have the opportunity to live forever in the presence of their God.

I testify that the priesthood is real. It can heal and comfort and bless. Coupled with faith, the priesthood works miracles. The Atonement is for us. No addiction, temptation, or mistake can stand against the power of the Atonement to heal us and give us strength to resist and become stronger and move forward every day. Jesus Christ has felt it all. Please don't let the priesthood go to waste. Most -- if not all -- of you who will read this email have the amazing privilege of knowing many priesthood holders. If you need help, with anything, please ask for a blessing. And it will "heal the wounded soul!" I can promise you that, out of experience.

I love the gospel. I have been healed so many times before. It hurts me when I hear people say, "I need to get my life in order first, then I'll go back to church" or "I don't feel good enough to go to church." Heavenly Father is there to help us and get us back on the path to eternal life! Ignoring that help is a manifestation of pride at its greatest. Please don't "rely on the arm of flesh." I love you. Each of you. Don't be trunky!

Elder Jensen

P.S. Leeanne was texting me, asking me about words from the Book of Mormon, as I was writing to you about her! Solid!

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