Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Again

Bula family and friends!
That's hi in Fijian. This week, I experienced the coldest day in the history of Auckland. About 33 degrees Fahrenheit. Crazy hail during personal study. Even though I know that 33 degrees is not too impressive, it was cold! In my defense, we were biking around in it, and it started to rain. And I lost one glove a few weeks ago, so I stuck that hand in my pocket. It's really good I learned how to ride with no hands. It's quite useful. Sorry for not writing last week. I was short on time. The Rugby World Cup is coming to New Zealand in just a couple of weeks. I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen with the missionary work considering that the population of New Zealand is estimated to double for the momentous occasion. Heaps of referrals for other countries I guess.
This was probably one of the best weeks of my mission. I was witness to so many miracles. We found Rose, Cheryl, and Jason, taught them, and committed them all to be baptized in September. The real miracle was the fact that they really warmed up quickly to us, they knew from high school some of the fellowship we brought over, and they came to church just a few days later! They loved it. On Saturday, some of their family was teasing them for preparing to be baptized and said (in a nasty kind of way), "You're gonna be a Mormon? How do you even know the Mormon book is true?" To which our new investigators answered, "Because we prayed and God told us." Yeah.
We also taught this 19-year-old girl named Emmily for the first time and on Saturday and she told us she has been reading the Book of Mormon every day for two weeks and loves it. She talked about how so many people think they know God, but they don't, and when you read this book, you really come to know God and understand His plan for you. When we asked if she had tested Moroni's promise to pray and ask God if the book is ture, she said she had and she just felt this amazing feeling going through her -- like a shiver, but really warm. She knows it's true. We committed her for the same day as Rose, Cheryl, and Jason. She's golden.
And Leeanne Epiha was baptized! She went through so many trials, but by the power of the Holy Ghost we were able to discern all her concerns and teach according to them and help her to enter into the covenant of baptism on the 19th of August. She's really an inspiration. She loves the Gospel and will go so far. She has given up everything to make it where she is now. She has got great fellowship and should remain active. I'm so happy for her. I was privileged to baptize her and felt the power of the priesthood flowing through me as I raised my arm to the square, then baptized her. Seriously, it is so cool to baptize these repentant people! You can feel God's power as you speak His words.
Finally, I have some interesting news. I found out a week and two days before transfers (this Thursday) that I will be training a new missionary! I will be among the first to train according to a new 12-week program instituted by the First Presidency. I'll admit, I'm so nervous. I couldn't believe it when President told me over the phone. Being a district leader has already been stretching me to what I thought was my max. It's surprisingly difficult to help others become better missionaries. Now I get to train a brand new missionary. I'll be the one he looks to for obedience, teaching, finding, following the Spirit, everything. If you can't tell, I've been stressed. But I know that as we rely on Heavenly Father, He'll increase our capacity to handle anything that is thrown our way. It's amazing actually -- I don't think I ever mentioned this, but a few months ago, when I was struggling to become the missionary that Heavenly Father wants me to be, I prayed fervently several times that He would help me to become whatever He wants me to be and that He would trust me enough to put me in any position in this mission. I asked Him to make me more. In a few short months, He has changed me. I love this work and the Gospel and I know that as we just try to magnify our callings and strive to understand His will, we can become powerful tools in His hands.
I love you guys. I'm thankful for everything you've done for me and for the examples you've been. This email took me ages to write. Haha. I'm tired. I hope someone takes something from this email that will help them in their lives. Have a good week.
From the land next to the land down under, and with love,
Elder Zachary Jensen

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