Monday, August 1, 2011

Tarzan Part 2

I'm back. We had to sign up for more computers and wait. We went and got some fish and chips and burgers while we waited. Fish and chips shops riddle this country. They're everywhere. It's good though, and unhealthy. They deep-fry pretty much everything. We had deep-fried candy bars the other day. Haha. Those feel they're going straight to your arteries.
I was talking about Alex and Ivory. Yeah, they're amazing. And I love them. Alex just seems like she's been through a lot of hard times with her partner. She almost looks wounded all the time. But the Spirit is healing her. I can see the hope on her face. They came to church yesterday and had a meeting with bishop at Anaru's request (he wanted to repent). After the meeting, we asked them how it went and Alex said, "Good... ... ...I think it's all going to happen. We're going to get married." Beauty, eh? We're excited for them. And I think Alex is really excited for Anaru to give up smoking and drinking and whatever else. I'll keep you posted on them. Oh and they have this cute little three-year-old girl named Persaeus. Haha during Prophet of the Restoration she kept yelling "BOO!" from behind me, then laughing heaps. She's funny. I so badly want them to be sealed as a family.
There were other miracles, too, like the fact this one girl we're teaching, Sally (15), has been coming to church for a while now with her friend and is now so involved that they ask her to give talks and stuff in young womens. She sent us a mass text once with the steps of repentance in it.... The only thing stopping her from being baptized is parental permission. Flip, Elder. That's what I think about parents who won't let their kids partake of the blessings that come from making your first covenant with Heavenly Father.
We taught this girl named Leeanne (22, I think) for the first time about a week and a half ago while on tradeoff with the zone leaders. She accipted the invitation to be baptized, but was very hesitant. In the next lesson with Elder Naicker and a fellowship that our Ward Mission Leader recommended, we read Moroni 10:3-5 with her, and asked her what she thought she lacked to receive an answer. She said probably a sincere heart and real intent. Since then, our fellowship has taken her to activities and institute, read 1 Nephi 1 with her, and, most importantly, helped her get to church! Leeanne is now progressing like crazy! She loved church, she has been reading the Book of Mormon every day, and she strongly desires to be forgiven of her sins though repentance and baptism. Don't ever underestimate the ability that each one of you has to help instill desire and faith in your friends and family. Use it or lose it. Use the gifts that God has given you to bless others, or He will take it away. That's a promise.
I love all of you so much. It's so good to hear from you, and I'm sorry for my failure to respond to many of you. Please don't think I care about you any less.
Because I think some of you have been using the address that you are supposed to send only packages to, I'm including the mission address for letters:
Elder Z. Jensen
New Zealand Auckland Mission
PO-Box 33-840
Takapuna, North Shore City 0622
New Zealand
Thanks for all the letters! I got a few just this week from our Finnish hero Vahnin Pope and the wily Mac. Thank you!
You should be growing closer to the Savior every day. That's something that I can't stress enough. Never let a day go by where you don't act on a prompting of the Spirit. Keep enduring cheerfully and in faith and the Lord will bless you and your families!
Elder Zachary Jensen

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