Monday, April 11, 2011

Third Baptism

Hey People,

Just kidding, not yet. We don't even have any sets (people set for baptism) right now. Have I talked about the Sri Lankan family? They have lots of potential I think. We've been working with them for quite a while now, but they haven't been able to come to church since they have some cultural event coming up that they've been prepping for every Sunday and throughout the week. The event is on April 23; after it's over they said they will come to church. They invited us to it too -- which is awesome, although we'll have to see if we're allowed to go -- but guess when transfers are? Yep, two days before the performance. As much as I would love to go support Nadiru and Sundaru (they are so cool, especially when they teach me Sanghalese), I would also love to get the heck out of Claudelands. No offense to the ward -- they are great -- but it's not a very interesting place, save the heaps of crazies running around.

Speaking of crazies, we have had three Muslims now, in the space of a few days, try to bash with us (bible bash: to contend against doctrine). Of course they always lose because our church has all the answers. This guy stopped us yesterday, acting all friendly, saying "Worship to the Almighty" or something like that, and when I agreed he said, "then why do you worship Jesus?" I was caught a little off guard, then proceeded to force him to eat his words (that's an expression right? I can't remember), particularly when he told me that he would convert to Christianity on the spot if I could show him one scripture in the whole Bible where Jesus himself claims to be the Son of God. John 10:36. Yep (all credit due, Elder Purdon was the one who found the scripture. Thanks Elder). Our Muslim friend then went on about how the Bible has been translated so many times, it's completely unreliable. Yep, I said, and that's why we have the Book of Mormon, pure doctrine that clarifies the Bible, and living prophets to guide us. He just said "Well that's a little hard to believe" and promptly ran off when we asked him why God would stop talking to us if he loved us just as much as he loved those of the Bible days. He didn't convert by the way.

It was a good week. We had Stake Conference too, so our General Conference was delayed further to this upcoming weekend. I'm so excited. Thanks for not spoiling anything. Except for Jake, who said President Monson is so funny. Now I know the prophet is speaking. Thanks a lot. Some people...

"Service is the rent we pay for our earthly existence."  -- Some guy

My flat is pretty basic with a few rooms and no central heating. I'm a little cold sometimes, but doing fine. For anyone who is wondering if I eat okay, I EAT WAY TOO MUCH! It's ridiculous. You'll see in my pictures I am sending soon this week that I am getting fat. So uncool.

Haha the New Zealand that I know is not the New Zealand that you all imagine, so you can stop being jealous.

I hope you all realize how perfect this gospel is, how it explains everything, how Christ is everything, our Savior and Redeemer, which is really so incredible. He really is the Christ, which means that without Him, nothing would be possible. Every day I come to know Him better, I understand more His perfect empathy that comes from His voluntary sacrifice for not just the sins of the world, but every pain, sickness, infirmity, and whatever else you've ever felt or I've ever felt or anyone has ever felt. I love that I can turn to Him for anything I need, and I do -- or at least, I try. I love Him so much for doing that which I would shy away from in a moment's notice. I'm so grateful for the gospel and for the fact that I'm lucky enough to know about it. You're all that lucky too; don't forget to share it. It is a commandment you know, to share the gospel. "It becometh every man [woman, and child] to warn his neighbor, as he has been warned."

Thanks everyone for how great you all were to me back home and for the letters and emails and prayers. It really means so much to me. Each one means so much, not just the whole. I appreciate the love and hope that you'll each leave your comfort zone and do some missionary work. That's how your faith increases I've learned -- leaving the comfort zone.

Well bye.

Much love,
Elder Jensen

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