Sunday, November 27, 2011


Nov. 21

Dear Mum, Dad, Bro, Sis, Sista, aunties, uncles, cuzzies, Nan, Grandad, best mates, mates, malfactors, and others,

Good morning. It's another beautiful day in the Bay of Plenty. At the moment I'm sitting in an office in Papamoa, a couple of minutes from the beach, in a short-sleeved shirt with the door open, blowing a light breeze my way. The temperature is a lovely not-too-hot not-too-cold 75 degrees or so and the sun is shining. The plans for the day: do some shopping for the necessities, then do some golfing by Mount Maunganui and hopefully write some letters. Paradise? I think so.

But the best part is the rest of the week when I get to teach and preach as missionaries do.

Just went golfing and ate at Subway and now I'm back.


Nov. 28

Ho ho holy cow, it's almost Christmas.

Can anyone believe I've been gone for almost a year? I can't. It's hot as here. It's not like Christmas back there.

Today we did a spring cleaning mission-wide and while Elder Walker and I were rearranging our flat, we found a "mould monster" under my bed. There have been some pretty fishy things going on the past few nights and we now know why. In our cleaning we also discovered that with the clothes left behind in the flat by missionaries finishing their missions, we dress an army of missionaries. We will burning them, the flat and the monster tonight. Nah, just kidding. But I've got a miracle for you! On Saturday, Kataraina Matiu was baptized. She was such a miracle and a testament that the Atonement works. She repented for her smoking, she fasted, and she quit! I know that my Redeemer lives! He lives!

I love you guys. Have a good week and forgive me for my short emails.

Love, Elder Jensen

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