Sunday, June 26, 2011

America, America...! <--- This is even worse, Jake. What does that even mean...?

Dear Young and Old and In Between,
This week has been one of interesting circumstances. I was sorely afflicted with an upset tummy, to the point of much trembling and vomiting. However, it may be inferred that such tribulation is only a means of our Heavenly Father to bless us, testing us to reward even further than He already has. I really think that's what it was. It came out of nowhere, bombarded me for approximately 24 hours, than dissipated almost entirely -- still have a cough. It made me realize how much I missed my investigators, how much I wanted to be able to go and teach them and make sure that they were still on track. There are all kinds of problems (Satan... tricky devil...) that can beset investigators in the short time between our daily visits. So yeah, basically I was a little sad that we could not go out and work. It was a good growing experience though, seeing as just a few months before I would have been glad for the opportunity to take a rest. I'm loving the work more and more! The sickness also gave me a greater appreciation for the Atonement. Throwing up was almost too much for me to handle. I was and am so grateful that He went through that specific trial for me. I was in lots of pain, but still happy haha. Our Saviour has been through it all -- He knows how it feels. Please remember that, okay? So ask for help. Think of Him in times of hurt.
Man, I am such I slow typer, it's not funny. It doesn't help that I have to read all my e-mails (actually it does, because they make me happy, they make me laugh, and they make me so proud to be the brother and son of such incredible people -- but it doesn't help you guys because then I don't say as much here...). Thus, this e-mail shall proceed to go forth in much shortness of content.
This week... Kofe and Te-ehu Tia were baptized! They are amazing people with powerful testimonies of the Gospel, with kids that I swear were raised in the presence of angels (seriously, they probably were). Their kids are recent converts of about two months. Not sure if I mentioned that before. Anyways, a member did the baptisms on Saturday and Elder Cunniffe and I did the confirmations yesterday. They are going to the temple on the 9th of July with the ward to do baptisms for the dead with two of their kids -- first time in the temple for all of them. Someone try to tell me that is not the most fulfilling thing in the whole world. Actually, they plan to be sealed in one year (which I will be able to go to!). So that's better.
John and Moe are doing better than ever. We set John's partner for the 16th as well, and she is coming along.
The message of the Restoration is true and changes lives. I love it. I love you all. Talk to you next week.
Elder Jensen
P.S. Family, please don't give up on me -- I want so badly to answer your e-mails... I loved them so, so much! You are so amazing to me and I am so happy to see how many blessings each one of you is recieving.
P.P.S. Thanks Dad. Love you.

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